jeudi 3 mai 2012





A Thesis Submitted to the Institute of Canon Law in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Licentiate Degree in Canon Law

Claude Kakule Siriwayo,aa

March 2012
Nairobi - Kenya

The Separation of Members from the Religious Institutes according to Canons 684-704: A Case Study of the Religious Institute of the Augustinians of the Assumption in the African Province.
I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is my original work achieved through my personal readings, scientific research and has never been submitted to any College or University for academic reward. All the sources consulted have been duly acknowledged.
Name: Claude SIRIWAYO KAKULE, aa
Signature: ……………………………..

This thesis has been submitted with my approval as the First Supervisor
Name:    Rev. Dr. Fabien LONEMA

This thesis has been submitted with my approval as the Second Supervisor
Name: Rev. Dr. Dieudonné NGONA

To all the members of the Augustinians of the Assumption of the Province of Africa and to the big Family of the Assumption, I dedicate this Licentiate thesis.

            I would like to thank very much all those who assisted me in one way or another in the writing of this thesis. In the first place, I thank the Almighty God for His constant love and care for me. I know that without His assistance I would not have achieved what I intended to do.
             I heartily appreciate and thank my superiors in the entire Congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption, and especially the provincial Superior Rev. Fr. Vincent KAMBERE KAGHANIRYO and his provincial council, the Assistant Provincial Superior and local Superior of Emmanuel House community in Nairobi Rev. Fr. Roger KASEREKA  SYAYIPUMA, the regional Superior of East Africa Rev. Fr. Protais KABILA KALONDO and his regional council, for making it possible for me to pursue Licentiate studies in canon law.
            To my supervisors Rev. Dr. Fabien LONEMA and Rev. Dr. Dieudonné NGONA, I owe much for their immediate, constant, committed, meticulous and judicious guidance throughout the writing of this thesis.  This work has come to its completion thanks to them.
My heartfelt gratitude goes to all my lecturers in the Institute of Canon Law at the Catholic University of East Africa: Rev. Dr. Martin OWOR, Rev. Dr. Daniel NGURE, Rev. Dr. Emmanuel JADA, Rev. Dr. Noelina NAKATO (Sr.), Rev. Dr. Pius MALE and Rev. Dr. Raphael OBETIA.
I also sincerely thank all my fellow canon law students, Fathers Joseph WARATHO, Damien ERIPON, John MAKOLA, and Sister Edith TUMWESIGYE for the mutual support and enrichment. 
            I acknowledge the special contribution of Fathers KOMBI NGWESE and KAKULE MUSABINGO for providing me sufficient information about the Augustinians of the Assumption in the Province of Africa. My sincere thanks go also to all my Brothers and Sisters in the big Family of the Assumption and especially those in Emmanuel House community in Nairobi for assisting me in correcting the thesis and in providing resourceful information for its betterment. The same gratitude goes to Remmy KAMBOLE, Missionary of Africa from Zambia. He proofread this thesis and made many valuable suggestions for improving it.   
                                    May God bless you all.

AA                                          Augustinians of the Assumption
AAS                                        Acta Apostolicae Sedis
Art.                                          Article
ART                                        Adveniat Regnum Tuum
BC                                           Before Christ
c. / cc.                                      Canon/ canons
SCCE                                      Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education
CCEO                                     Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium
CIC                                         Codex Iuris Canoni
CDF                                        Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith
Cf.                                           Confer
CLSA                                      Canon Law Society of America
CILSAL                                  Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and                                                            Societies of Apostolic Life
CLSGB                                   Canon Law Society of Great Britain
Cor                                          Corinthians
CR                                           Clergy Review
CUEA                                     The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Decr.                                       Decree
D.R.C                                      Democratic Republic of Congo
Dt                                            Deuteronomy
ed. /eds.                                   Editor/ Editors
Gal                                          Galatians
Jn                                             John
Ibid.                                        Ibidem
Mk                                           Mark
Mt                                           Matthew
 n./ nn                                      Number/ numbers
SA                                           Supremum Tribunal Signaturae Apostolicae
SC                                           Sacrosanctum Concilium
SCR                                        Sacred Congregation for Religious
SCRIS                                     Sacra Congregationio pro Religiosis et Institutis                                                        Saecularibus
 St.                                           Saint
RC                                           Renovationis causam
R.I                                           Religious Institute
Tim                                          Timothy
Tit.                                           Title
p. / pp.                                     page/ pages
Quest.                                      Question
Rev.                                         Reverend
Rm                                          Letter of St. Paul to the Romans
Vol.                                         Volume
USA                                        United States of America
USCCB                                   United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

            One of the religious phenomena today is that many religious seek to leave their religious institutes either by transfer, departure or dismissal. What could be the reasons for separation of members from the religious institutes?
1.      Purpose of the Thesis

This thesis aims at explaining that religious life is freely chosen by the members of a given institute. The religious institute is governed by laws which regulate the behaviour of the members in order to help to protect the integrity of the institute according to the mind of the founder and the sound tradition. On the one hand, the member is free to remain perpetually in the institute, but he or she is also free to choose to go away if he or she finds no reason for remaining there. On the other hand, the institute can request a member to leave the institute. It follows that this thesis is a research on how separation may be avoided or how it can be initiated by the individual or by the institute. The purpose for going into this subject is to help members of religious institutes and especially those of the Augustinians of the Assumption to be aware of the mechanisms for avoiding separation from the religious institute by taking into account the good of both the members and the institute.

2.      The Rationale of the Thesis
                 Religious life is established by the competent ecclesiastical authority in a stable manner. No one comes into religious life for a trial. However, the motives for joining and leaving are now becoming complex.  Along with the decline of religious vocations in some parts of the world, we find the separation of members from religious institutes has become a common place.
The reason for the choice of this topic is that, nowadays, people are timelessly separating from religious institute. On the one hand, some members who, either transfer, or depart, or are dismissed usually give wrong motives for leaving the institute. They blame the institute and forget about their own responsibility in the facts that led to separation. In fact, not all go away for the same motive. Some have good reasons to leave and may tell the truth about it. But, some of those who are forced to leave, end up becoming bitter, all against religious people. They may finally destroy the reputation of the whole Church through libel and defamation.
On the other hand, we have to look at the way the separated members are treated especially when it comes to support them in their new state of life. Canonically, the institute is not obliged to provide assistance to the dismissed members because the religious profession does not give rise to the right to be lodged or fed for life unless the person remains a member of the institute. At the same time, the institute must apply “equity” and “evangelical charity” towards the leaving members (c.702).

3.      Central Question of Investigation

The central question of investigation is: Why do members abandon religious life and what are the canonical procedures and the effects of the separation of religious from the institutes?
4.       Working Hypotheses

Maybe among the major changes of our times some are affecting religious to the point that they may be tempted to forget about religious values and the obligations attached to the choice of religious life.  Maybe the institutes are not pleased in sending their members away. But, only when the pastoral means, paternal solicitude and fraternal correction aiming at the good of the member are exhausted, the institute may be obliged to initiate the procedure for the separation of some members for their own good or for the good of the institute.
5.      Methodological Considerations
5.1. Method of Approach          

This thesis will follow the historical, analytico-juridical and prospective method. The historical method will trace the institution of separation of members from their institutes in the Canonical tradition of the Church.  It will use analytico- juridical approach because it will analyze both canonical norms related to the separation of members from religious institute and various types of separation and their juridical effects. The prospective method will make recommendations for the future, especially in the institute of the Augustinians of the Assumption.
                     This thesis will comprise of four chapters. The first chapter: Background of the Augustinians of the Assumption in the Province of Africa will include some elements on the foundation of the Augustinians of the Assumption, the mission and charism, the governance and the historical development of the Augustinians of the Assumption. In order to have a clear picture of the institute of the Augustinians of the Assumption in the Province of Africa, we will also give a short statistics.
              The second chapter: History and Canonical Status of Separation in the Church`s Tradition. This chapter will be devoted to the history and the canonical status of the institute of separation. We will focus on the notion of separation in the Sacred Scriptures, separation according to the Fathers of the Church, separation in the period between the third century and the Decree of Gratian, separation in the period between Gratian and the Council of Trent, separation in the period between the Council of Trent and the 1917 Code of canon law and separation according to the Second Vatican Council.
              The third chapter: Types of Separation of Members from Religious Institute. This will analyze the various types of separation of members from the religious institute according to the 1983 Code of Canon Law. We will focus on the following points: transfer, departure, exclaustration and dismissal basing our reflection on the sources, the formulation and analysis of the related norms but also their juridical effects.
              The fourth chapter: Means to Avoid Separation of Members and Recommendations. This chapter will deal with the procedures of avoiding separation from the religious institute by underlining the importance of Rule of Life, the role of the Superior, and the observance of law. With regard to the care for the separated members, care must be taken especially for the exclaustrated and dismissed religious because their rights and their obligations are affected by the penalty.

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