By Claude Kakule Siriwayo, AA
Today the media are bringing to light
the abuse of children-minors and vulnerable young people by the Church members.
This has drawn the attention of ecclesiastical authorities who have issued a
lot of normative and disciplinary legislations dealing with Allegations of
Sexual Abuse of Minors, of children and vulnerable you people by the members of
the Church, particularly priests and religious (cf. Benedict XVI, Pastoral
Letter to the Catholics of Irland, 19 March 2010). Following this situation which is almost
worldwide spread in one way or the order, let us listen to what Claude Kukule
Siriwayo, a canon lawyer student, has to say (response) about the seven
questions related to the offence against the six commandment of
the Decalogue. Q= Question . R=Response.
Q/ “The Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith has given a
diocesan bishop go-ahead to conduct administrative penal process of his priests
for alleged offences against the sixth commandment with a minor less than
eighteen years of age” (Cf. can 1395). What
is your opinion about this account?
R/ Actually when it comes to matters of discussing opinions we
must be extraordinary cautious since we might end up going astray and disregard
the fact that some of the issues are already talked of and about by important
people. According to Rev. William H. Woestman, a Promoter of Justice,
Archibishop of Chicago, the major problem of the above concern related to the
sixth commandment, is to understand the exact meaning of the words “an offence against the sixth commandment of
the Decalogue”. This problem faces Diocesan bishops, provincial superiors,
Major superiors, Church administrators, and ecclesiastical Judges with a
serious responsibility to interpret strictly sins and crimes against the sixth
commandment of the Decalogue.
Q/ If
the Code of Canon Law on this issue includes consummated sexual acts, what
about sexual inclinations like touches, salacious conversation, looks, etc? Are
these practices amongst the offences or delicts listed in c. 1395?
R/ I would like to be epigrammatic and straightforward. Bishops,
Church administrators, major Superiors and other decision-makers, who are
proficient to deal with child sexual abuse litigation, have the prerogative to
determine the seriousness of the alleged act (be they touches, actions or other
practices). That means, they are deputed to adjudicate not only the alleged act proved to have taken place
but also they have to see in it that the alleged act and its imputability are
in accordance with canonical just penalties attached to the contravention of
canon 1395 &2.
Q/ What
if the pedophiles are not aware of the canonical implication of one involved in
such a behavior? If those involved in abuse of minors or children are ignorant
of the canonical repercussions of such an act, why and how can they be held as
R/ We have to bear it in mind that “ignorance is no excuse in
law”. You cannot claim obtuse ignorance to justify your illegal behavior. According to canon 15 “Ignorance of facts excuses, but not of law”[Ignorantia facti excusat, Ignorantia juris
not excusat]. While we cannot stick to the letter of this canon, we have to be aware that law always presumes
knowledge of the law, even if one is ignorant of it. Accordingly, we have to
approach this question in its complexity. There is a risk to apply directly
canon law principles and make more injuries instead of healing the “wounders”
and the “wounded”. We have to be aware of what pedophilia is all about before
applying some legal principles. This is almost what Rev, Jerome Paulson wrote
in Studia Canonica, 22 (1988), p.
77-124 as he said “stigmatizing and ostracizing pedophiles is neither helpful
nor Christian. That means we have to hold people guilty for the pedophilic
behavior but at the same time if someone has a problem of that kind, we have to
help him in the best of Christian tradition. This is not a way of canonizing
pedophilic act on the ground that it is a disease just like alcoholism or HIV
which are sometimes beyond our control. Today there are clinics for mental
disorders, and psychological heath care and counseling centers where such
pathology like pedophilia would be eradicated in one way or another. Unfortunately
some pedophiles assume that it is a normal way of living forgetting that to
pedophilic inclination is a mental disorder which needs a special psychological
Q/ Does the involvement in minors` abuse have
civil impact? If yes, to which extend?
R/ First of all, the abuse of minors is a criminal offence that
means it does not just deal with the relationship of individuals but it becomes
an offence which involves the state which has the right to protect its members.
At this level, abusing minors will be referred to as a Statutory rape. A statutory rape is the term generally used to
describe the crime of sexual intercourse by a man with a woman who is not his
wife and who is below an age specified by statute. It is a crime whether or not
the woman gives her consent. This crime is based on the premise that people
below a certain age, known as minors, are incapable of making an informed,
intelligent decision to consent to sexual intercourse. Consequently, even if
the man reasonably believes the woman is over the age of consent (which varies
among jurisdictions) or the woman lies about her age, the man is generally
liable for the offense. Some states have rewritten their forcible and statutory
rape laws to make them gender neutral. Under these modern statutes a male can
be considered a victim of rape — either at the hands of a woman or another man.
Q/ The
way you are talking of the issue divulges that you opt for the ministry of
pedophiles that means, you advocate for a special accompaniment of those predatory
pedophiles and you wish that there be an appropriate ministry dealing with pedophiles
so as to understand better the implication of this crisis. Is it that what you
want to mean?
R/ In a way, yes. In fact, the understanding of the complexity of
pedophilia is a prerequisite for both ministry to the pedophiles and ministry
to the wounded people, those who have grievously been affected by pedophilic
Q/ If
pedophilia is a disease, can you elaborate more what you understand by
pedophilia? Besides, what do you think could be the real drives for child
sexual abuse?
R/ First of all the diagnostic and statistical manual of Mental
disorders classifies pedophilia as one of the Paraphilias. Among the main paraphilias that we know we can record:
fetishism (use of non-living objects for sexual arousal, zoophilia (use of
animals), exhibitionism (exposing genitals to strangers), voyeurism (peeping
Toms) sexual sadism, sexual masochism and pedophilia ( involvement with
children). It means that, pedophilia is one of the psychosexual dysfunctions.
By definition, we can say that pedophilia is an act of engaging in sexual
activity with pre-pubertal or post-pubertal children as a way of achieving
sexual excitement. According to some analysts, there are however two types of
pedophiles people. On one hand, we have the heterosexual-oriented-pedophiles.
These ones tend to prefer the eight-to-ten-old girls and they limit their
pedophilic acts to looking or touching but these acts can end up into physical
union of bodies. On the other hand, we have the homosexual-oriented-pedophiles.
These ones prefer older children. This division was subdivided in Keller`s
article on human Development (1986)
as follow:
The fixated
pedophiles: They have a restricted interest in children, with no interest in
adults. In this category there are the fixated homosexual pedophiles:
interested only in young boys and the fixated heterosexual pedophiles:
interested only in young girls.
Regressed pedophiles: These ones are able
to be interested in both boys and girls.
As a way of summary, there are three subdivisions of pedophilia:
The homosexual pedophiles (attracted to boys only)
The heterosexual pedophiles ( engrossed in girls only)
The bisexual pedophiles (
Interested in both boys and girls)
Q/ Let
us turn now to the question of celibacy. What would you say about the modern
tendency to consider that “ Pour lutter
contre la pédophilie, abolissons le célibat des prêtres” (To
avoid pedophilia, we have to abrogate the law of celibacy of priests) [Hans
R/ This is a very challenging issue since it targets the very
strength of the Church. I would like to point out, before hand that, I have
read and reread scores of articles advocating for abrogation of celibacy, women
ordination to ministerial priesthood, marriage of priests, etc. If you look at
these issues critically, you will find that there are anticlericalist and
anticatholicist movements which are deputed to assail the very quintessence of
the Roman Catholic Church. One the
core elements of the Roman Catholic Church, is “celibacy”. When the above
quotation states that “ Pour lutter
contre la pédophilie, abolissons le célibat des prêtres = To avoid pedophilia we have to abrogate the
law of celibacy”, it has to be understood with extraordinary attention. As
Roman Catholic faithful of the One, Holy, Apostolic and Adjudicative Church, I
have to stand for what the Church holds true and not let myself be driven by
individualistic dividing and emotional opinions. As cogent beings, we are free
to think whatsoever we want but, we should not impact our way of thinking on
others until to make it a legal norm of conduct. It is not because there are a
lot of allegations on sexual abuses that we have to be compelled to derogate
the bylaw of celibacy; rather we have to see in it that the value of celibacy is not in contrario with the life of the
Church and that we are called for more fidelity and dedication to our vocation.
Chastity and celibacy for priests are interconnected. One cannot be chaste
without being celibate, and one cannot abrogate chastity without reprobating at
the same time celibacy of the priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church. As religious and clergymen of the Catholic
Church, we are called to live both celibate and chaste life.
Q/ What
would you give as recommendation to those engaged in the ministry of pedophiles
and to the pedophiles themselves, especially to religious and priests.
To those called to
assist the pedophiles, I urge that they be well erudite, well clued-up about
the illness of pedophilia in order to avoid unnecessary injuries and injustices
while dealing with pedophilia cases. If possible and according to
circumstances, ecclesiastical authorities ought not to be constrained to hurry
for extremist penalty of the abusers. There must be an appropriate peremptory
time for immediate investigations before sentencing the indicted person. It is
only after the inquiry legitimately carried out that the person will be either
accountable or acquitted. However, there is also need to look first for
pastoral means which would help the prosecuted person to uphold his good repute
in the society. In fact, this does not gainsay the end of law in the Church
which is the salvation of souls. (Cf.can.1752). In the same perspective, there
is a call to go for canonical equity (canon 19) by applying justice tempered
with sweetness of mercy, but this should not be prejudicial to the victims who
also have to vindicate their right to fair treatment and legal action.
To the pedophiles and impending
pedophiles, I would like to replicate the words of Alfonso Card. Lopez
Trujillo, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, that every person
should be acquainted with the fact that chastity and celibacy entail discarding
certain thoughts, words and evil actions, (cf. Romans 1:18; 1 Corinthians
6:9-11). To attain this requires an attitude mind, of self-mastery and of forbearance
which are signs of self-determination and accountability for ones `actions.
Such self-mastery implies both avoiding occasions which might lead to or
encourage sin as well as knowing how to triumph over one's own natural
instinctive impulses and other human sexual proclivity.
Claude Kakule Siriwayo, AA
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